Sorrry I haven't posted in a while. I've been at a low ebb. My work/life balance is out of whack. I have felt it for a while. Last saturday I was so tired I slept in until 2pm. Boy was I mad!! I felt like I had wasted so much of my very precious free time. On Sunday we went to New Jersey to see my husband's family and on Monday I worked 16 hours. Ugh. Sorry for whining. This weekend I have 3 days off AND I have asked my boss to meet with me to discuss cutting my hours back. Wish me luck.
So what did I do with my Friday off? First, I got together with my little 'friends on the purple couch' and watched the Royal Wedding. I don't know how I got sucked into this excitement but maybe it's a way to escape my daily grind.
I couldn't find a tiara to wear so I sat in my pyjamas and had a pretend 'English' breakfast. Porridge and 'tea' in my pretty teacup. (it's really coffee, please don't tell.)
How cute are they? I hope the media stays kind to them.
My husband and I had planned to go poke around a few antique stores. I told him I had a wedding to go to but I promised to get ready right after the kiss. I kept my word and we had a lovely time followed by a trip to the library. I love coming home from the library with books of crafty inspiration and some great reads. Now if I could get a little more time to enjoy them.
I have been hard at work on the project that I can't share yet. Here is a sneaky hint. I am using solids and playing with Tonya's book. That's all you get.
Thanks for being patient. Now go and enjoy your weekend!!