Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Do you have some noises that you find enjoyable or soothing? I do. This time of year I love the sound of the acorns bouncing on my deck out back. It just makes me chuckle. I went out the other day to collect some. I got all the acorns that were on the deck and then started looking in the grass. None in the grass! I think maybe the squirrels just don't come up on the deck. I found all shapes and sizes.

Twins! hee hee

My daughter gave me this bowl for mother's day. I love the subtle little fish that are etched on it.

And check this out! What a happy surprise to see the fishy shadow!

Oh boy! An acorn hat. Who hasn't played with these at some point?

I decided to dress up my little garden man.

How about some other noises I like?

-lawnmowers, I just think it's a nice, soothing white noise and it makes me think of the smell of fresh cut grass, mmmmmm

- kids playing outside, I have two nephews next door and I get a kick out of hearing them hootin and hollerin as they make up games and climb on a fallen tree ( yes, the #@&*!% tree that took out our power lines a few months ago!)

- my hubby playing music, it means he's happy. He plays trumpet, piano, drums (conga and drum set), electic guitar and bass, saxaphone, valve trombone, and most recently the cello. I might have missed an instrument or two.

- my two kids downstairs talking and laughing, my daughter doesn't live at home any more so it's a happy occasion to hear them having fun together.
I'm going to have a fun weekend, I'll tell you all about it soon. Adios!

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