Resolution Number 2 - Make at least 3 quilts to have on hand, finished, for unexpected events such as a friend in need or ill. So far........ just one done. This old zigzag number was fun to make with some Kaffe Fassett strips I was hoarding. I have it completely done and in the closet.
Number 5- Try dyeing my own fabric. Although I haven't done it yet, I do have these goodies in preparation. I placed an order with Dharma Trading, dug up some plastic sheeting in the basement, and visited the dollar store for some gloves and measuring tools. See that big package? TEN yards of ready to dye Kona fabric. I mean business I tell ya!
This is my 'dye box' and it's waiting patiently for a nice summer day. Very soon. Not pictured, I also have a bunch of canning jars for doing color gradations. Ooooooo yeah!! I hope it turns out the way I'm dreaming it does.
AND Number 3- don't give up on my 'citrus' quilt. Please take note that I did not necessarily guarantee to finish it this year. I'm just not going to quit or give up. Well, look at this picture! I have 24 of the blocks all stitched down. The quiltalong calls for 49 blocks but Kellie did mention somewhere that we could use 36 and make a smaller quilt. I believe that is where I will end up. I have a bunch more of the petals made or half made. Yeesh, they are the biggest chore!! I know I'm going to love this quilt and so far, I'm glad I'm not sick of it. Whew.
That's three of the five resolutions. I'll work on the pictures so I can give a progress report on Resolutions 1 and 4.
And guess what?! I won something! (again) A fifty dollar gift certificate to Pink Chalk fabrics. Go there and see their beautiful stuff. Oh my goodness, I believe I will have some Lizzy House Castle Peeps fabric heading my way. Yes! The prize is from the Bumble Beans Basics Quilt Gather. Check it out and see if you can find time to send them a quilt. It is a very worthy cause.
Toodle-ooo folks!
Went to Pink Chalk and Oh My,my already have my eye on the Kate Spain Christmas fabric. Good thing I'm at work and can't place an order right now. Thanks for the tip!